Text: | Psalm CIII |
I. Awake my soul, awake my tongue,
My God demands the grateful song;
Let all my inmost pow'rs record
The wond'rous mercy of the Lord.
II. Divinely free, his mercy flows,
Forgives my crimes, allays my woes,
And bids approaching death remove,
And crowns me with indulgent love.
III. He fills my longing soul with good,
Substantial bliss! immortal food!
Youth smiles renew'd in active prime,
And triumphs o'er the pow'r of time.
IV. In him the poor opprest shall find
A friend almighty, just and kind;
His glorious acts, his wond'rous ways,
By Moses taught, proclaim his praise.
V. How free his plenteous mercies flow!
But his reluctant wrath how flow!
He chides, but soon his smile returns,
Nor long his dreadful anger burns.
VI. How far beyond our vile deserts,
Is ev'ry gift, his hand imparts!
High as the bright expanded skies,
His vast unbounded mercies rise.
VII. As distant as creating pow'r
Has fix'd the east and western shore;
So far our num'rous crimes remove,
At the sweet voice of pard'ning love.
VIII. The tend'rest yearning nature knows,
A father's love too faintly shows
The ever-kind, indulgent care
Which God's own happy children share.
IX. He knows our frame, surveys our birth,
Compos'd of dust, frail sons of earth;
Man like a fair, but short-liv'd flow'r,
Springs up and blooms one smiling hour.
X. But if a noxious blast arise,
Sudden its transient glory flies;
Those charms which made the scene so gay,
Steal from the sight and die away.
XI. But mercy with unchanging rays
Forever shines, while time decays;
And children's children shall record
The truth and goodness of the Lord.
XII. To those, who with delightful awe,
Love and obey his sacred law,
Whose hearts with warm devotion glow,
Whose lives their grateful duty show.
XIII. The Lord is king, his hand alone
Has fix'd in heav'n his radiant throne;
He sends his sov'reign laws abroad,
And heav'n and earth confess the God.
XIV. Immortal form'd by pow'r divine,
Attending angels round him shine,
Observant wait his sacred will,
And his commands with joy fulfil.
XV. Ye heav'nly hosts, adore the Lord,
Who form'd you to obey his word;
Let everlasting praises rise
Thro' the bright armies of the skies.
XVI. While all his works his praise proclaim,
And men and angels bless his name;
O Let my heart, my life, my tongue,
Attend and join the blissful song.
Text Information | |
First Line: | Awake my soul, awake my tongue |
Title: | Psalm CIII |
Language: | English |
Publication Date: | 1760 |
Scripture: |