I. There is a glorious world on high,
Resplendent with eternal day;
Faith views the blissful prospect nigh,
While God's own word reveals the way.
II. There shall the fav'rites of the Lord
With never-fading lustre shine;
Surprizing honour! vast reward
Conferr'd on man, by love divine!
III. How blest are those, how truly wise,
Who learn and keep the sacred road!
Happy the men, whom heav'n employs
To turn rebellious hearts to God!
IV. To win them from the fatal way,
Where erring folly thoughtlessly roves;
And that blest righteousness display,
Which Jesus wrought, and God approves.
V. The shining firmament shall fade,
And sparkling stars resign their light;
But these shall know nor change, nor shade,
Forever fair, forever bright.
VI. No fancy'd joy beyond the sky,
No fair delusion is reveal'd;
'Tis God that speaks, who cannot lie,
And all his word must be fulfill'd.
VII. And shall not these cold hearts of ours
Be kindled at the glorious view?
Come, Lord, awake our active pow'rs,
Our feeble, dying strength renew.
VIII. On wings of faith and strong desire,
O may our spirits daily rise;
And reach at last the shining choir,
In the bright mansions of the skies.