I. My God, to thee I call—
Must I forever mourn?
So far from thee, my life, my all?
O when wilt thou return!
II. Dark as the shades of night
My gloomy sorrows rise,
And hide thy soul-reviving light
From these desiring eyes.
III. My comforts all decay,
My inward foes prevail;
If thou withhold thy healing ray,
Expiring hope will fail.
IV. Away distressing fears,
My gracious God is nigh,
And heav'nly pity sees my tears,
And marks each rising sigh.
V. Dear source of all my joys,
And solace of my care,
O wilt thou hear my plaintive
And grant my humble pray'r!
VI. These envious clouds remove,
Thy cheering light restore,
Confirm my int'rest in thy love
'Till I can doubt no more.
VII. Then if my troubles rise,
To thee, my God, I'll flee,
And raise my hopes above the skies,
And cast my cares on thee.
Text Information | |
First Line: | My God, to thee I call |
Title: | Mourning the Absence of God, and longing for his gracious presence |
Language: | English |
Publication Date: | 1760 |