I. Vain world, be gone, nor vex my heart
With thy deluding wiles;
Hence, empty promiser, depart
With all thy soothing smiles.
II. Superior bliss invites my eyes,
Delight unmix'd with woe;
Now let my nobler thoughts arise,
To joys unknown below.
III. Yon starry plains, how brightly they shine,
With radiant specks of light;
Fair pavement of the course divine,
That sparkles on the sight!
IV. 'Tis distance lessens ev'ry star;
Could I behold them nigh,
Bright worlds of wonder would appear
To my astonish'd eye!
V. Thus heav'nly joys attract my eyes,
My heart the lustre warms;
But could I reach those upper skies,
How infinite their charms!
VI.Come, heav'n-born faith, and aid my flight,
And guide my rising thought,
Till earth, still less'ning to my sight,
Shall vanish quite forgot.
VII. But when to reach those blissful plains
Her utmost ardor tries,
And almost hears the charming strains
Of hymning angels rise:
VIII. Mortality, with painful load,
Forbids the raptur'd flight;
In vain she means heav'n's bright abode,
And sinks to earth and night.
IX. O let thy love, my God, my King,
My hope, my heart, inspire;
And teach my faith with stronger wing
To rise, and warm desire.
X. Oft let thy shining visits cheer
This dark abode of clay,
'Till I shall leave these fetters here,
And rise to endless day.
Text Information | |
First Line: | Vain world, be gone, nor vex my heart |
Title: | Aspiring Towards Heaven |
Language: | English |
Publication Date: | 1760 |