I. My God, 'tis to thy mercy-seat
My soul for shelter flies;
'Tis here, I find a safe retreat,
When storms and tempests rise.
II. 'Tis here, my faith resolves to dwell,
Nor shall I be afraid
Of all the pow'rs of earth or hell,
If thou vouchsafe thy aid.
III. My chearful hope can never die,
If thou my God art near;
Thy grace can raise my comforts high,
And banish ev'ry fear.
IV. Against thy all-supporting grace
My foes can ne'er prevail;
But oh! if frowns becloud thy face,
Faith, hope, and life will fail.
V. My great Protector, and my Lord,
Thy constant aid impart,
And let thy kind, thy gracious word
Sustain my trembling heart!
VI. O never let my soul remove,
From this divine retreat;
Still let me trust thy pow'r and love,
And dwell beneath thy feet.
Text Information | |
First Line: | My God, 'tis to Thy mercy seat |
Title: | Refuge and Strength in the Mercy of God |
Language: | English |
Publication Date: | 1760 |