1 Jesus, we bless thy Father's name;
Thy God and our's are both the same;
What heav'nly blessings from his throne
Flow down to sinners thro' his Son!
2 Christ be my first Elect, he said,
Then chose our souls in Christ our head,
Before he gave the mountains birth,
Or laid foundations for the earth.
3 Thus did eternal love begin
To raise us up from death and sin;
Our characters were then decreed,
Blameless in love, a holy seed:
4 Predestinated to be sons,
Born by degrees, but chose at once;
A new regenerated race,
To praise the glory of his grace.
5 With Christ, our Lord, we share our part,
In the affections of his heart;
Nor shall our souls be thence remov'd,
'Till He forgets his first belov'd.
Text Information | |
First Line: | Jesus, we bless thy Father's name |
Title: | Elect |
Author: | Watts |
Meter: | L. M. |
Language: | English |
Publication Date: | 1792 |
Scripture: | ; |
Notes: | Now Public Domain. |