PXXXIII | The Psalms, Hymns and Spiritual Songs of the Old and New Testament, faithully translated into English metre#PXXXIV | PXXXV |
1 In all the season of my life
JEHOVAH bless will I,
And in my mouth his praises shall
abide continually.
2 My soul shall glory in the LORD,
and praise him with my voice;
And when the humble hear of this,
they greatly will rejoyce.
3 With me together O do ye
JEHOVAH magnify;
And let us all herein agree,
to lift his name on high.
4 In my distress I sought the LORD;
and He to me gave ear,
And graciously deliver'd me
from all that was my fear.
5 They look'd to him; enlighten'd were,
no shame did them appall
6 The poor man cry'd; the LORD did hear,
and save from troubles all.
7 The angels of the LORD encamp
and round about them stand,
Who fear Him, to preserve them from
all evil near at hand.
8 How bountiful JEHOVAH is,
O taste and see likewise!
O great is that man's blessedness
who firm on him relies!
9 O ye JEHOVAH's holy ones
see that ye Him revere;
For there shall be no want to them
who Him sincerely fear.
10 Young lions often suffer want,
and hungry, pine for food;
But they who truly fear the LORD
shall want no real good.
11 O come ye children now to me,
give ye attentive ear;
And I will you instruct how ye
the LORD aright shall fear.
12 Who is the man that would have life,
and many days desires,
That he may long enjoy the good
to which his heart aspires.
13 Thy tongue from evil keep, thy lips
from speaking guile keep thou:
14 Depart from evil, and do good;
seek peace and it pursue.
15 Upon the men who righteous are
The LORD doth set his eye;
And bows down his attentive ear,
when e'er to Him they cry.
16 Against those who do wickedly
JEHOVAH sets his face;
That he may quite from off the earth
their hateful mem'ry raze.
17 But when the righteous cry to Him,
JEHOVAH hears their call;
And will deliv'rance give to them
out of their troubles all.
18 To those who broken are in heart,
the LORD is ever near;
And He will surely save such as
in spirit contrite are.
19 Tho' the just man has many griefs,
the LORD from all will free:
20 And all his bones He keeps secure,
that none shall broken be.
21 Evil shall slay the wicked man;
and all whoever hate
The righteous man, and ne'er repent,
shall sure be desolate.
22 But who JEHOVAH serve, their souls
He freely doth redeem:
Nor utterly shall any fail
who put their trust in Him.
Text Information | |
First Line: | In all the seasons of my life |
Title: | A Psalm of David, when he changed his Behaviour before Abimelech; who drove him away |
Language: | English |
Publication Date: | 1758 |
Scripture: | |
Notes: | Now Public Domain. |