PLXXX | The Psalms, Hymns and Spiritual Songs of the Old and New Testament, faithully translated into English metre#PLXXXI | PLXXXII |
Text: | A Psalm of Asaph |
1 O to the mighty GOD our strength
sing with a shouting voice;
O to the God of Jacob sing
and make a joyful noise.
2 Take up a psalm, the timbrel bring,
and with your voices join;
The pleasant harp and psaltery,
in consort sweet combine.
3 At the new moon, let trumpets blow,
and joyful voices raise.
To celebrate th' appointed time,
the solemn day of praise.
4 For this to Israel of old
a sacred precept was,
And by the God of Jacob this
Did for a statute pass.
5 This witness He in Joseph set,
when from th' Egyptian shore
They went, and heard a voice and speech,
they never heard before.
6 I from the heavy burthens took
their shoulders clear away;
And I their servile hands set free
from lab'ring in the clay.
7 When thou wast in great trouble, thou
To Me for aid dist call;
With pity your distress I saw,
and set you free from all.
From thunder clouds I answer'd thee,
my secret place on high,
And at the streams of Meribah,
I thro'ly did thee try.
[2 Part]
8 Hear, O my people, and my mind
I'll testify to thee;
To thee,O Isr'el, if thou wilt,
but hearken now to Me:
9 Then know, that a strange God in thee,
I never will allow;
Never to any other God,
shalt thou presume to bow.
10 I am the LORD thy God who thee
from land of Egypt led;
Open thy mouth, and thou by Me
with plenty shalt be fed.
11 My people yet would not give ear,
To the kind voice I spake;
And Israel would not in me,
Their full contentment take.
12 So to the bents of their own hearts,
I gave them up a prey;
And in their foolish counsels then
I let them go astray.
13 O that my people Me had heard,
and did my voice obey;
That Isr'el had obedient been,
and walked in my way;
14 I should within a little time
Have pulled down their foes;
And should have turn'd my hand upon,
Such as against them rose.
15 The haters of the LORD had then
submission paid, tho' feign'd;
But his own people's happy time
should ever have remain'd.
16 Yea with the finest of the wheat
Have nourish'd them should He;
With honey of the Rock I should
Have satisfied thee.
Text Information | |
First Line: | O to the mighty God our strength |
Title: | A Psalm of Asaph |
Language: | English |
Publication Date: | 1758 |
Scripture: | |
Notes: | Public Domain. |