PLXX | The Psalms, Hymns and Spiritual Songs of the Old and New Testament, faithully translated into English metre#PLXXI | PLXXII |
1 JEHOVAH, in my great distress
I place my trust in Thee:
O let me not be put to shame
to perpetuity.
2 But in thy truth and righteousness
rescue and set me free:
O bow to me thy gracious ear,
and save me speedily.
3 Be Thou the rock where I may dwell,
and constantly resort:
To save me Thou commanded hast,
who art my rock and fort.
4 My God, free me from wicked hands,
hands cruel, as unjust;
5 For Lord JEHOVAH Thou my hope,
and from my youth my trust;
6 Thou hast upheld me from my birth,
thro' all my dang'rous days;
Yea, from my mother's womb me took;
and I'll Thee ever praise.
[2 Part]
7 To many I a wonder am:
be Thou my refuge strong;
8 And let my mouth resound thy praise
and honour, all day long.
9 In time of my declining age
O cast me not from Thee:
And as I find my strength decay
O now forsake not me.
10 For my malicious enemies
against me falsely speak;
And they who for my soul lay wait
together counsel take.
11 For GOD, they say, hath him forsook,
'Now persecute ye him,
And seize him Now; for there is none
'to save, or him redeem.'
12 O GOD, in this my great distress,
be Thou not far from me;
But for my help, O Thou my God,
come to me speedily.
[3 Part]
14 But I with hope and patience still
on Thee will waiting be;
And I will add yet more and more
to all the praise of Thee.
15 My mouth shall forth thy righteousness,
and thy salvation show,
From day to day; for of the same
no number do I know.
16 I in the strength of God the LORD
with joy will still go on;
I'll celebrate thy righteousness,
yea mention thine alone.
17 From my youth up, O gracious GOD,
Thou hast instructed me:
And hitherto I have declar'd
the wonders wrought by Thee.
18 And now forsake me not, o GOD,
while old and grey I grow;
till to this age, and all to come
thy mighty pow'r I show.
19 Also thy righteousness, O GOD,
is high exceedingly;
Great are the tings which Thou hast wrought,
O GOD, who's like to Thee!
[4 Part]
20 Thou, who hast caused me to see
afflictions great and sore,
Wilt turn, revive me, and with joy
from depths of earth restore.
21 Yea more than this; Thou wilt ev'n cause
my greatness to abound;
And with exceeding comfort Thou
wilt wholly me surround.
22 I with the psalt'ry will Thee praise,
Thy truth, my God, make known;
And with the harp I'll sing to Thee,
O Isr'el's HOLY ONE
23 Now greatly will my lips rejoyce,
while I sing praise to Thee;
So shall my soul because thou hast,
redeem'd and set it free.
24 And as Thou those who sought my hurt,
confounded hast with shame;
My grateful tongue thy righteousness
shall ev'ry day proclaim.
Text Information | |
First Line: | Jehovah in my great distress |
Language: | English |
Publication Date: | 1758 |
Scripture: | |
Notes: | Now Public Domain. |