1 O not to us, LORD, not to us,
but all the glory take
To thine own name, both for thy truth
and sov'reign mercy's sake.
2 Why should the taunting heathen cry,
"where is the God they own?"
3 Our God in heav'n sits high enthron'd,
and what he pleas'd hath done.
4 Their idols silver are and gold;
men's handy work are they.
5 Mouths have they, but they cannot speak;
and. eyes, but cannot see.
Ears have they, but they cannot hear;
noses, but savour not:
Have hands and feet, but cannot move;
nor murmur in their throat.
8 Such senseless flocks are they themselves
who did these idols frame;
And such are all who to them pray,
and put their trust in them.
9 O Isr'el, trust ye in the LORD;
your help and shield is He:
10 O Aaron's house, trust in the LORD;
your shield and help He'l be.
11 Who fear the LORD, trust in the LORD;
He is your help and shield.
12 The LORD hath mindful been of us;
his blessing He will yield.
The house of Isra'l bless He will;
the house of Aaron bless,
13 He will bless all who fear the LORD,
the greater and the less.
14 To you JEHOVAH will, to you
and to your children add:
15 You are the blessed of the LORD,
that heav'n and earth has made.
16 The heav'n's of heav'ns are all the LORD's.
where He his glory shows:
But ev'n on Adam's offspring He
the spacious earth bestows.
17 Not any praise to JAH on high
can from the dead-ascend;
No praise from those who to the place
of silence deep descend.
18 But we th' eternal JAH will bless
who yet alive are seen,
From this time forth for evermore,
sing HALLELUJAH then!