1 In wrath, Lord do not me chastise:
And in thy rage correct not me.
2 For sore thine hand upon me lies,
In me thine arrows fastned be.
3 There is no soundness in my flesh,
Because thy wrath on me doth lye:
Nor in my bones is any rest,
Because of mine iniquity.
4 Because that mine iniquities
Above my head ascended are;
Like as an heavy burden lies,
Too heavy they for me to bear.
5 My wounds stink and corrupt are grown,
My foolishness doth make it so,
6 I troubled am and much bow'd down,
I all day long a mourning go.
7 Fill'd are my loins with loathsome sore,
And there's no soundness in my flesh,
8 Weak am I and sore broke, I roar
by reason of my sore distress.
9 With thee, Lord, is all my desire,
My groaning is not hid form the.
10 My heart doth pant, my strength doth tire,
And mine eyes sight is gone from me.
11 My sore my lovers stand there fro,
My friends stand off, my kinsmen eke,
12 Who seek my life, lay snares also,
Who seek my hurt they mischief speak,
And all day long imagine guile.
13 But as one deaf, I did not hear;
I as a dumb man was the while,
Whose mouth at all not open were.
14 As one that heareth not was I
And in whose mouth reproofs none were,
15 For I, O Lord, on thee rely,
O Lord my god thou wilt me hear.
16 O hear thou me because, said I,
Else they will joy o'er me with pride:
Themselves 'gainst me they magnifie,
When as my feet doth slip aside
17 For I to halt am ready still,
Also my grief abides with me,
18 For I declare my trespass will,
And for my sin will sorry be,
19 Yet ne'ertheless mine enemies
They lively are, and strong also,
Who causelessly me hate, likewise,
In number mightily do grow.
20 Moreover, they that for my good
Do render evil unto me:
Because that i do follow good,
To me they adversaries be.
21Jehovah do not me forsake,
From me O do not far depart
22 My God haste to my rescue make,
O Lord, who my salvation art.