Text: | A Psalm of David |
1 With expectation for the Lord,
I waited patiently;
And he inclined unto me,
He also heard my cry.
2 He brought me from the dreadful pit,
Out of the miry clay;
And on a rock he set my feet,
He stablished my way.
3 A new song put he in my mouth,
Our God's praise to record;
Which many shall behold and fear,
And trust upon the Lord.
4 Blest is the Man that on the Lord
doth make his trust abide:
Nor doth the proud respect, nor such
To lies as turn aside.
5 O thou Jehovah, thou my God,
Hast many wonders wrought;
And likewise towards us thou hast
Conceiv'd many a thought.
their sum cannot be reckon'd up
In order unto thee;
would I declare and speak of them,
Beyond account they be.
6 Thou sacrifice and offering
Didst not at all desire,
Thou boar'st mine ear, no sin off'ring,
Nor burnt one dost require.
7 Then said I, lo I come: it's writ
I' th' books roll thus of me,
8 To do thy will my god I joy,
Thy laws in my heart be.
9 Within the congregation great,
Thy righteousness I shew;
Lo I have not refrain'd my lips,
Jehovah thou dost know.
10 I have not hid thy righteousness
Within my heart alone;
I have declar'd thy faithfulness,
And thy salvation
I have not from th' assembly great
Thy grace and truth conceal'd.
11 Let not thy tender mercies be
From me O Lord with-held:
Let both thy kindness and thy truth
keep me my life throughout,
12 Because innumerable ills
Have compass'd me about.
My sins have caught me, so that I
Not able am to see;
More are they than hairs of mine head,
Therefore my heart fails me.
13 Be pleas'd, Lord, to deliver me;
To help me, Lord, make haste.
14 At once abash'd and sham'd let be,
Who seek my soul to waste
15 Let them be driven back and sham'd
That wish me misery:
Let them be waste to quit their shame,
That say to me, fy, fy.
16 Let all be glad and joy in thee
That seek thee, let them say,
Who thy salvation love, the Lord
Be magify'd alway.
17 I poor and needy am, on me
The Lord yet care doth take:
My help and my deliverer thou,
My God no tarrying make.
Text Information | |
First Line: | With expectation for the Lord |
Title: | A Psalm of David |
Language: | English |
Publication Date: | 1742 |
Scripture: | |
Notes: | Public Domain. |