1 O come let us unto the Lord
Shout forth with joyful voice:
To th' rock of our salvation
Let's make triumphant noise.
2 Let us with giving thanks draw nigh
His holy presence to:
Let us with Psalms triumphantly
Unto him sing also.
3 For God the Lord most mighty is
Great king o'er all gods he.
4 Earth deeps are in his hand, and his
The strength of mountains be.
5 The sea to him belonging is,
Because he made the same;
And also the dry land is his,
For it his hands did frame,
6 Come let us worship with accord,
And bowing down adore:
Him that our maker is, the Lord,
O let us kneel before.
7 Because he is our God, and we
His pasture's people are,
And of his hands the sheep, if ye
To day his voice will hear
8 O let not as in Meribah,
Hardness your hearts possess:
As in the day of Massah they
Did in the wilderness.
9 Your fathers did me tempt and trym
And there my works look'd on:
I forty years was grieved by
That generation.
10 And said in heart this people stray,
My ways they do not know,
11 To whom I sware in wrath, if they
Into my rest should go.
Text Information | |
First Line: | O come let us unto the Lord |
Language: | English |
Publication Date: | 1742 |
Scripture: | |
Notes: | Now Public Domain. |