1 Jehovah to my words give ear,
My meditation weigh,
2 My king, my God, my cry's voice hear,
For I to thee will pray.
3 Thou in the morn my voice shalt hear,
Lord in the morning I
Will unto thee direct my prayer,
And will look up on high.
4 For thou art not a God that will
In wickedness delight,
Nor shall with thee dwell any ill,
5 Nor fools stand in thy fight:
Craftsmen of sin thou hat'st all them,
Thou shalt them 'stroy that lies:
6 The Lord will oath the bloody man,
The them that guile devise.
7 But I will to thy house draw near
In thine abundant grace;
And I will worship in thy fear
Towards thy holy place.
8 Conduct me in thy righteousness
By reason of my spies:
O Lord, thy ways most strait express
Also before mine eyes.
9 For in their mouth no faith they have,
Their inward part is wrong:
Their throat is as an open grave,
They flatter with their tongue.
10 O God, make thou them wholly waste,
Them from their plots let fall:
Out in their heaps of sin them cast,
For 'gainst thee fret they all.
11 But let all joy that trust in thee,
Shout ever let the same,
For thou defend'st them: glad let be
In thee that love thy name.
12 For thou, Lord, wilt thy blessing yield
Unto the righteous one:
And wilt him crown, as with a shield,
With acceptation.
Text Information | |
First Line: | Jehovah to my words give ear |
Language: | English |
Publication Date: | 1742 |
Scripture: | |
Notes: | Now Public Domain. Second Metre |