1 Jesu, united by thy grace,
And each to each endear'd,
With confidence we seek thy face,
And know our pray'r is heard.
2 Still let us own our common Lord,
And bear thine easy yoke,
A band of love, a three-fold cord,
Which never can be broke.
3 Make us into one spirit drink;
Baptize into thy name;
And let us always kindly think,
And sweetly speak the same.
4 Touch'd by the loadstone of thy love,
Let all our hearts agree;
And ever tow'rds each other move,
And ever move tow'rds thee.
5 To thee inseparably join'd,
Let all our spirits cleave;
O may we all the loving mind
That was in thee receive!
6 This is the bond of perfectness,
Thy spotless charity;
O let us still, we pray, possess,
The mind that was in thee!
7 Grant this, and then from all below
Insensibly remove;
Our souls their change shall scarcely know,
Made perfect first in love.
8 With ease our souls thro' death shall glide,
Into their paradise;
And thence on wings of angels ride
Triumphant through the skies.
9 Yet when the fullest joy is giv'n,
The same delight we prove,
In earth, in paradise, in heav'n,
Our All in All is love.
Text Information | |
First Line: | Jesu, united by thy grace |
Language: | English |
Publication Date: | 1788 |
Topic: | For Persons joined in Fellowship |
Notes: | Now Public Domain. |