XXXVI. Pardon and Strength from CHRIST

1 Father, we wait to feel thy Grace,
to see thy Glories shine;
The Lord will his own Table bless,
and make the Feast divine.
We touch, we taste the heav'nly Bread,
we drink the sacred Cup;
With outward Forms our Sense is fed,
our Souls rejoice in Hope.

2 We shall appear before the Throne
of our forgiving God,
Dress'd in the Garments of his Son,
and sprinkled with his Blood.
We shall be strong to run the Race,
and climb the upper Sky;
Christ will provide our Souls with Grace,
He bought a large Supply.

3 Let us indulge a chearful Frame,
for Joy becomes a Feast;
We love the Mem'ry of his Name
more than the Wine we taste.

Text Information
First Line: Father, we wait to feel thy Grace
Title: Pardon and Strength from CHRIST
Language: English
Publication Date: 1773
Tune Information
(No tune information)

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