PCXLVIIIa | The Psalms Hymns and Spiritual Songs of the Old and New Testament, faithfully translated into English Metre#PCXLVIIIb | PCXLIXa |
Text: | Loud HALLELUJAH sing |
1 Loud HALLELUJAH sing
from heav'n JEHOVAH praise
On high his honours ring,
and with his highest lays.
2 Ye angels lead;
and all his hosts
round heav'ns wide coasts
His glory spread.
3 Praise Him ye sun and moon,
to whom ye owe your light:
Praise Him ye stars, who run
your glitt'ring course by night;
4 His praise declare
ye heav'ns on high,
ye clouds that fly
On fluent air.
5 Let all in this accord
to praise JEHOVAH's name;
For He but spake the word,
and they from nothing came:
6 And from the place
where fix'd they be
by his decree
Thy cannot pass.
[2 Part]
7 On earth all praise the LORD:
ye dragons from your caves;
And deeps that none can ford,
with all your roaring waves:
8 Fire, hail and snow;
and misty air;
and storms that where
He bids them, blow.
9 All hills and mountains high,
trees that with fruit are crown'd,
Cedars that touch the sky;
10 wild beasts that range around;
All cattle tame,
things low, and high,
that creep, that fly,
His praise proclaim.
11 Kings who on earth preside,
and all of meaner birth;
Princes who nations guide,
and judges of the earth;
12 Ye young men strong,
and virgins fair,
heads with grey hair,
And children young.
13 Let all JEHOVAH"s name
with praises celebrate;
His name alone proclaim
as excellent and great:
His glories far
above earth rise,
yea utmost skies,
And ev'ry star.
14 Yes He on high doth raise
His people's horn of might,
And thus inspires with praise
his saints, his soul's delight.
Bless'd Isr'el's race,
a people near
and to Him dear:
To JAH sing praise.
Text Information | |
First Line: | Loud HALLELUJAH sing |
Meter: | Hallelujah Metre |
Language: | English |
Publication Date: | 1773 |
Scripture: | |
Notes: | Now Public Domain. |