PCXLIXa | The Psalms Hymns and Spiritual Songs of the Old and New Testament, faithfully translated into English Metre#PCXLIXb | PCL |
1 Sing Hallelujah to the LORD,
Let Him for ever be ador'd:
Amidst the saints assembled sing
New songs of praise for mercies new:
2 Joy in his maker, Isr'el shew;
And Sion triumph in their King.
3 Exult in Him ye sacred Quire,
With the sweet timbrel and the lyre
Sing forth and sound aloud his praise.
4 The LORD doth in his flock delight,
Will save with his resistless might
The meek, and them to honour raise.
5 Triumph ye saints with cheerful voice,
With shouts for glory gain'd rejoice,
And on your beds express your joy:
6 To God your mouths high praises yield,
A two edg'd sword let your hands wield
7 His foes and heathen to destroy.
8 To bind their haughty kings in chains,
In iron-bands their noble trains;
On them his wrath decreed to pour.
9 The saints shall this great honour have
To quell his foes and Zion save.
Sing HALLELUJAH evermore.
Text Information | |
First Line: | Sing HALLELUJAH to the LORD |
Meter: | Six Line Long Metre |
Language: | English |
Publication Date: | 1773 |
Scripture: | |
Notes: | Now Public Domain. |