Text: | The King, O LORD! with Songs of Praise |
Tune: | [The King, O Lord, with songs of praise] |
Media: | MIDI file |
1 The King, O LORD! with Songs of Praise,
Shall in thy Strength rejoice;
And with a chearful Voice.
To thee shall lofty Anthems raise.
With thy Salvation crown'd,
He awes the Nations round.
2 For whatsoe'er his Lips request,
Thou dost to him impart,
The Wishes of his Heart.
Thou hast with thy Acceptance bless'd;
And to his humble Pray'r
Didst lend a gracious Ear.
3 Thy Mercy and thy tender Care,
Thou dost to him extend;
A Crown of Gold thou mad'st him wear,
Which ever shall endure,
Since thou hast fix'd it sure.
4 He pray'd for Life, and thou, O LORD,
Didst to his Pray'r attend
His span thou didst extend;
And kindly did to him afford,
A Life of endless Joy,
Which Death can ne'er destroy.
5 Thy sure Defence shall spread his Fame
Through all the Nations round;
His Deeds with Triumph crown'd
Shall far advance his glorious Name;
His Foes shall Homage pay,
To his superior Sway.
6 Eternal Blessings thou bestow'st,
And on his Royal Head,
Dost tender Mercies shed:
Whilst thou to him unclouded, shew'st
The Brightness of thy Face.
And mak'st his Joys encrease;
Part II
7 Because the King on GOD alone,
For timely Aid relies,
The LORD his Wants supplies;
His Mercy still supports his Throne,
Against each daring Foe,
That him would overthrow.
8 But, righteous LORD, thy stubborn Foes,
shall not secure remain,
Nor long their Place maintain;
Thy vengeful Arm shall find out those,
Who in Defiance stand,
Of thy most just Command.
9 When Thou against them dost engage,
And thy dread Pow'r employ;
Their Forces to destroy:
Thy Wrath shall, like an Oven's Rage,
Them and their Hopes and them consume,
In one tremendous Doom.
10 Nor shalt thy righteous Anger cease,
Or with their Ruin end;
But to their Seed extend;
To root out all their guilty Race,
And from the Page of Fame,
Blot out their very Name.
11 For all their Thoughts, engag'd on Ill,
To Malice were resign'd,
And wicked Schemes design'd;
But thou with watchful Care didst still
The bad Effects prevent,
On their most base Intent.
12 In vain, by shameful Flight they try,
To shun thy dreadful Pow'r,
Whilst thou dost round them show'r
Thy fatal Darts, that swiftly fly,
And with restless Might,
O'ertake them in their Flight.
13 Thus, LORD, thy wond'rous Strength disclose,
And thus with Glory crown'd,
Be thy great Deeds renown'd;
Whilst we glad Songs of Praise compose,
To magnify the Fame
Of thy most holy Name.
Text Information | |
First Line: | The King, O LORD! with Songs of Praise |
Language: | English |
Publication Date: | 1767 |
Scripture: | |
Topic: | Prayers: Of the Church: the Glory of her King or State; Prophecies: Predictions of God's Judgment upon the Ungodly and Wicked; Thanksgivings: For diverse Mercies shown to the King and State |
Notes: | Public Domain. |
Tune Information | |
Name: | [The King, O Lord, with songs of praise] |
Key: | F Major |
Notes: | Public Domain. |