1 In thee, O LORD! my Hope I place,
Let not thy Servant meet Disgrace;
From him who would my Ruin see,
Do thou, my GOD, deliver me:
2 Lest like a Lion he devour
My helpless Soul, with savage Pow'r,
And plunge me into black Despair,
If no Deliv'rer should appear.
3 LORD, if to Malice I incline,
Or do against his Peace design;
If I have e'er promoted Strive,
Or practis'd aught aganist his Life;
4 Nay, if I have not oft restor'd
My Foe, when he my Help implor'd,
And spar'd his Life, and set him free,
Ev'n tho' he persecuted me:
5 Then let mine Enemy pursue,
And by his Strength my Life subdue;
My soul to him become a Prey,
And in the Dust mine Honour lay.
6 Arise, O LORD, thine Anger shew;
Thy Vengeance turn against my Foe:
In my Defence do thou engage,
And punish with insulting Rage.
7 So, Crowds thy Goodness shall adore,
And in Distress thy Aid implore:
Then for their Sakes, do thou, O LORD!
Resume thy Seat, and Help afford.
8 Thou who dost Justice still observe,
According as I do deserve,
So let thy righteous Sentence be;
For I my Cause resign to thee.
9 Do thou root out and undermine
All those, who wicked Arts design;
But let the Just be ne'er o'erthrown;
Thou GOD< to whom all Hearts are known.
10 In his Protection I confide,
Who is my Safety and my Guide;
The LORD not only takes my Part,
But their's who have an upright Heart.
11 He daily lays up Wrath for those
Who boldly dare his Pow'r oppose;
Fro he's a righteous Judge, and will
Severely punish ev'ry Ill.
12 He whets his Sword,, if they persist,
Oh! who can his strong Arm resist?
For them his Bow is raady bent,
And charg'd with Death his Shafts are sent.
13 My Foe doth secret Plots prepare,
And would my harmless Life ensnare;
His base Intentions prove to be
Falshood, Deceit and Treachery.
14 But all his Arts are try'd in vain;
For he shall ne'er his Purpose gain:
The Pit which he design'd for me,
Shall sure his own Destruction be.
15 On his own Head his Spite returns;
His Heart with constant Malice burns,
To find himself within that Snare,
Which for my Soul he did prepare.
16 Therefore to GOD I'll offer Praise,
And still pursue his righteous Ways;
His Providence I will proclaim,
And celebrate his holy Name.
Text Information | |
First Line: | In thee, O LORD, my Hope I place |
Language: | English |
Publication Date: | 1767 |
Scripture: | |
Topic: | Prayers: Of the Church Particularly of Believers when slandered; Prayers: When percecuted; Prophecies: Predictions of God's Judgment upon the Ungodly and Wicked |
Notes: | Now Public Domain. |
Tune Information | |
Name: | [In thee, O Lord, my hope I place] |
Key: | C Major |
Notes: | Now Public Domain. |