1 LORD, hear my Cry, regard my Pray'r,
Which I, oppress'd with heavy Grief,
From Earth's remotest Parts, address
To thee, with hope of kind Relief;
Save me from persecuting Pow'r,
For thou hast often been my Tow'r.
2 So shall I in thy sacred Courts,
Secure from ev'ry Danger lie;
Beneath the Covert of thy Wings,
All future Storms I will defy:
My Soul of thy Protection sure,
Against her Foes shall ret secure.
3 For thou, O GOD,hast heard my vows,
And in thy Goodness didst ordain,
That I, with lasting Glories crown'd,
Should o'er thy chosen People reign:
Vouchsafe, O LORD, thy King to bless,
And make his prosp'rous Days encrease.
4 Confirm his Throne, and make his Reign
To be accepted in thy Sight;
And let thy Truth and Mercy both,
Oh GOD, in his Defence unite:
So I'll devote my future Days,
To pay my Vows, sing thy Praise,
Text Information | |
First Line: | LORD, hear my Cry, regard my Pray'r |
Language: | English |
Publication Date: | 1767 |
Scripture: | |
Topic: | Prayers: Of a King or Prince, for God's Grace and Assistance |
Notes: | Public Domain. |
Tune Information | |
Name: | [Lord, hear my Cry, regard my Pray'r] |
Key: | g minor |
Notes: | Public Domain. |