1 To celebrate thy Name, O LORD!
My Heart and Voice, in one Accord
With grateful Joy, I will declare
To Men thy Works, which wond'rous are.
2 Thy Thought of them to me shall bring
Exalted Pleasure whilst I sing:
My thankful Soul shall strive to raise,
To thee, my GOD, triumphant Praise.
3 When those who did against me rise,
Have fled with Shame, struck with Surprize,
Terror shall seize them in their Flight;
They fall and perish at thy Sight.
4 Against my Life they strove in vain;
For thou didst still my Cause maintain;
My Right asserting from thy Throne,
Where Justice reigns, and Truth is known.
5 The Insolence of heathen Pride,
O GOD of Truth, thou wilt deride;
Their Offspring shall be low debas'd,
Their Names with Infamy disgrac'd.
Part II:
6 Mistaken Foes, your ill Design,
Quite vanquish'd, now you must resign;
Our City yet remains secure,
Altho' you thought its Ruin sure.
7 For GOD, the LORD, entrhon'd on high,
Is with impartial Justice nigh:
His Judgment-Seat he hath prepar'd;
As well to punish as reward.
8 There shall he sit in Righteousness,
And ev'ry secret Wrong redress:
His Anger will his Foes destroy,
His Saints shall still his Smiles enjoy.
9 GOD is a constant sure Defence
Against oppressing Insolence;
And when our Foes exert their Rage,
He will in our Behalf engage.
10 All those who have his Goodness known,
Will look for Help to GOD alone;
His Mercy never will neglect
Those who his holy Name respect.
Part III:
11 Oh join your Hearts in one Accord,
From Sion's Hill bless ye the LORD:
His Deeds throughout the World proclaim,
'Till all revere his holy Name.
12 When he Inquiry makes for Guilt!
The Blood of Saints by Sinners spilt;
He calls to Mind the Poor distress'd,
And all their Wrongs are soon redress'd.
13 Then pity, LORD, my troubled State,
Dispel the Grief my Foes create;
Thou who dost oft my Pray'r attend,
And in Distress Assistance lend.
14 That I in Zion may proclaim
Thy Praise to all who love thy Name,
And in loud Shouts of grateful Joy,
My Heart and Tongue, and Voice employ.
15 Deep in the Pit design'd for me
The Heathen Pride shall humbled be;
Their Feet insensibly ensnar'd,
where they my Ruin had prepar'd.
16 Thus, by his Judgments, GOD is known;
All Nations must his Justice own;
The Wicked he will low debase,
And by their own Designs disgrace.
17 In Hell the Sinner shall be cast,
Mid Torments which must ever last:
None are by Privacy obscur'd;
None shall by Numbers be secur'd.
18 His suff'ring Saints, when most distress'd,
Are by his timely Aid redress'd;
Tho' for a While in Sorrows drown'd,
Their Hope shall with Success be crown'd,
19 Arise, O LORD! to Judgment come,
Pronounce the guilty Heathen's Doom;
Let not thy Foes thy Saints devour;
But crush them by Almighty Pow'r.
20 Strike Terror through the Nations round;
The heathen Pride, O LORD! confound;
And let them by consenting Fear,
No more than mortal Men appear.
Text Information | |
First Line: | To celebrate thy Name, O LORD! |
Language: | English |
Publication Date: | 1767 |
Scripture: | |
Topic: | Prophecies: Predictions of God's Judgment upon the Ungodly and Wicked; Thanksgivings: For Victories |
Notes: | Now Public Domain. |
Tune Information | |
Name: | [To celebrate thy name, O Lord] |
Key: | a minor |
Notes: | Now Public Domain. |
Media | |
MIDI file: | ![]() |