1 Thy Mercies, LORD, shall be my Theme,
Thy Judgments I will tell;
And whilst I lift my voice to thee,
My Song on them shall dwell:
When wilt thou come, and unto me
Thy Righteousness impart?
That I before thee in my House,
May walk with perfect Heart.
2 An ill Design, or treach'rous Act,
I ne'er will take in Hand;
Nor shall a froward wicked Man,
Within my Presence stand:
The private Slanderer shall be,
By publick Justice try'd;
Nor will I suffer him, who wears
The haughty Looks of Pride.
3 But I with Pleasure will behold,
The Man from Falsehood free;
And he that leads a godly Life,
Shall still my Servant be:
For treach'rous Men, I never will,
For my Companions take;
Nor shall mischievous Liars e'er,
My House their Dwelling make.
4 My utmost Pow'r I will exert,
The Wicked to destroy;
Nor shall a Race of sinful Men,
Again the Land annoy:
All wicked Doers I'll root out,
They shall no more remain;
Nor thus the city of the LORD,
With hateful Deeds profane.
Text Information | |
First Line: | Thy Mercies, LORD, shall be my Theme |
Language: | English |
Publication Date: | 1767 |
Scripture: | |
Topic: | Description of: Duty of the Ministers of God's Word |
Notes: | Public Domain. |
Tune Information | |
Name: | [Thy Mercies, Lord, shall be my Theme] |
Key: | a minor |
Notes: | Public Domain. |