1 My Soul, how lovely is the Place
To which thy GOD resorts!
'Tis Heaven to see his smiling Face,
Though in his earthly Courts.
2 There the great Monarch of the Skies
His saving Pow'r displays,
And Light breaks in upon our Eyes
With kind and quick'ning Rays.
3 With his rich Gifts the heav'nly Dove
Descends and fills the Place,
While Christ reveals his wond'rous Love,
And sheds abroad his Grace.
4 There, mighty GOD, thy Words declare
The Secrets of thy Will;
And still we seek thy Mercy there,
And sing thy Praises still.
5 My Heart and Flesh cry out for Thee,
While far from thine Abode;
When shall I tread thy Courts, and see
My Saviour and my GOD.
6 The Sparrow builds herself a Nest,
And suffers no Remove;
O make me, like the Sparrows, blest,
To dwell but where I love.
7 To sit one Day beneath thine Eye,
And hear thy gracious Voice,
Exceeds a whole Eternity
Employ'd in carnal Joys.
8 Lord at thy Threshold I would wait
While JESUS is within,
Rather than fill a Throne of State,
Or live in Tents of Sin.
9 Could I command the spacious Land,
And the more boundless Sea,
For one blest Hour at thy Right Hand
I'd give them both away.