1 "How awful is thy chast'ning Rod?
"(May thy own Children say)
"The Great, the Wise, the dreadful GOD!
How holy is his Way !"
2 I'll meditate his Works of old;
The King that reigns above,
I'll hear his ancient Wonders told,
And learn to trust his Love.
3 Long did the House of Joseph lie
With Egypt's Yoke opprest;
Long he delay'd to hear their Cry,
Nor gave his People Rest.
4 The Sons of good old Jacob seem'd
Abandon'd to their Foes;
But his Almighty Arm redeem'd
The Nation that he chose.
5 Isr'el, his People, and his Sheep,
Must follow where he calls;
He bid them venture through the Deep,
And made the Waves their Walls.
5 The Waters saw Thee, mighty GOD,
The Waters saw Thee come;
Backward they fled, and frighted stood,
To make thine Armies Room.
7 Strange was thy Journey through the Sea,
Thy Footsteps, Lord, unknown:
Terrors attend the wond'rous Way
That brings thy Mercies down.
8 [Thy Voice with Terror in the Sound
Through Clouds and Darkness broke;
All Heav'n in Lightning shone around,
And Earth with Thunder shook.
9 Thine Arrows through the Skies were hurl'd;
How glorious is the Lord!
Surprize and Trembling seiz'd the World,
And his own Saints ador'd.
10 He gave them Water from the Rock;
And safe, by Moses' Hand,
Through a dry Desert led his Flock
Home to the promis'd Land.]