1 Amidst thy wrath remember Love,
Restore thy Servant, Lord,
Nor let a Father's Chast'ning prove
Like an Avenger's Sword.
2 Thine Arrows stick within my Heart,
My Flesh is sorely prest;
Between the Sorrow and the Smart,
My Spirit finds no Rest.
3 My Sins a heavy Load appear,
And o'er my Head are gone;
Too heavy they for me to bear,
Too hard for me t' attone.
4 My Thoughts are like a troubled Sea,
My Head still bending down;
And I go mourning all the Day,
Beneath my Father's Frown.
5 Lord, I am weak and broken sore,
None of my Pow'rs are whole;
The inward Anguish makes me roar,
The Anguish of my Soul.
6 All my Desire to Thee is known,
Thine Eye counts ev'ry Tear;
And ev'ry Sigh and ev'ry Groan,
Is notic'd by thine Ear.
7 Thou art my GOD, my only Hope;
My GOD will hear my Cry;
My GOD will bear my Spirit up,
When Satan bids me die.
8 [My Foot is ever apt to slide,
My Foes rejoice to see't;
They raise their Pleasure and their Pride
When they supplant my Feet.
9 But I'll confess my Guilt to Thee,
And grieve for all my Sin;
I'll mourn how weak my Graces be,
And beg Support divine.
10 My GOD, forgive my Follies past,
And be for ever nigh;
O Lord of my Salvation, haste,
Before thy Servant die.