1 Give Thanks to GOD the sov'reign Lord;
His Mercies still endure;
And be the King of kings ador'd;
His Truth is ever sure.
2 What Wonders hath his Wisdom done!
How mighty is his Hand!
Heav'n, Earth, and Sea, he fram'd alone;
How wide is his Command!
3 The Sun supplies the Day with Light;
How bright his Counsels shine!
The Moon and Stars adorn the Night;
His Works are all divine.
4 [He struck the Sons of Egypt dead;
How dreadful is his Rod!
And thence with Joy his People led;
How gracious is our GOD!
5 He cleft the swelling Sea in two;
His Arm is great in Might;
And gave the Tribes a Passage through;
His Pow'r and Grace unite.
6 But Pharaoh's Army there he drown'd;
How glorious are his Ways!
And brought his Saints through desart Ground;
Eternal be his Praise!
7 Great Monarchs fell beneath his Hand;
Victorious is his Sword;
While Isr'el took the promis'd Land;
And faithful is his Word.]
8 He saw the Nations dead in Sin;
He felt his Pity move:
How sad the State the World was in!
How boundless was his Love!
9 He sent to save us from our Woe;
His Goodness never fails;
From Death, and Hell, and every Foe;
And still his Grace prevails.
10 Give Thanks to GOD the heav'nly King;
His Mercies still endure:
Let the whole Earth his Praises sing;
His Truth is ever sure.