239. The Joy of a remarkable Convesion;, or, Melancholy removed

1 When GOD reveal'd his gracious Name,
And chang'd my mournful State,
My Rapture seem'd a pleasing Dream,
The Grace appear'd so great.

2 The World beheld the glorious Change,
And did thy Hand confess;
My Tongue broke out in unknown Strains,
And sung surprising Grace.

3 Great is the Work, my Neighbours cry'd,
And own'd the Power divine;
Great is the Work, my Heart reply'd,
And be the Glory thine.

4 The Lord can clear the darkest Skies,
Can give us Day for Night;
Make Drops of sacred Sorrow rise
To Rivers of Delight.

5 Let those that sow in Sadness wait
Till the fair Harvest come,
They shall confess their Sheaves are great,
And shout the Blessings home.

6 Though Seed lie bury'd long in Dust;
It shan't deceive their Hope;
The precious Grain can ne'er be lost,
For Grace insures the Crop.

Text Information
First Line: When GOD reveal'd his gracious Name
Title: The Joy of a remarkable Convesion;, or, Melancholy removed
Meter: Common Metre
Language: English
Publication Date: 1740
Topic: Deliverance: by prayer; Deliverance: surprising; Harvest (3 more...)
Tune Information
(No tune information)

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