1 "Save me, O GOD, the swelling Floods
"Break in upon my Soul;
"I sink, and Sorrows o'er my Head
"Like mighty Waters roll.
2 "I cry till all my Voice be gone,
"In Tears I waste the Day;
"My GOD, behold my longing Eyes,
"And shorten thy Delay.
3 "They hate my soul without a Cause,
"And still their Number grows
"More than the Hairs around my Head,
"And mighty are my Foes.
4 "'Twas then I paid that dreadful Debt
"That Men could never pay,
"And gave those Honours to thy Law
"Which sinners took away."
5 Thus in the great Messiah's Name
The Royal Prophet mourns;
Thus he awakes our Hearts to Grief,
And gives us Joy by Turns.
6 "Now shall the Saints rejoice, and find
"Salvation in my Name,
"For I have borne their heavy Load
"Of Sorrow, Pain, and Shame.
7 "Grief, like a Garment, cloth'd me round,
"And Sackcloth was my Dress,
"While I procur'd for naked Souls
"A Robe of Righteousness.
8 "Amongst my Brethren, and the Jews
"I like a Stranger stood,
"And bore their vile Reproach, to bring
"The Gentiles near to GOD.
9 "I came in sinful Mortals Stead,
"To do my Father's Will;
"Yet when I cleans'd my Father's House,
"They scandaliz'd my Zeal.
10 "My Fasting and my holy Groans
"Were made the Drunkard's Song;
"But GOD from his celestial Throne,
"Heard my complaining Tongue.
11 "He sav'd me from the dreadful Deep,
"Nor let my soul be drown'd;
"He rais'd and fix'd my sinking Feet
"On well establish'd ground.
12 "'Twas in a most accepted Hour
"My Pray'r arose on high,
"And for my Sake my GOD shall hear
"The dying Sinner's Cry."