1 Loud hallelujahs to the Lord,
From distant worlds where creatures dwell;
Let heav'n begin the solemn word,
And sound it dreadful down to hell.
2 The Lord, how absolute he reigns,
Let ev'ry angel bend the knee;
Sing of his love in heav'nly strains,
And speak how fierce his terrors be.
3 High on a throne his glories dwell,
An awful throne of shining bliss;
Fly thro' the world, O sun, and tell
How dark thy beams compar'd to his.
4 Awake ye tempests and his fame
In sounds of dreadful praise declare;
And the sweet whisper of his name
Fill ev'ry gentler breeze of air.
5 Let clouds, and winds, and waves agree
To join their praise with blazing fire;
Let the firm earth and rolling sea
In this eternal song conspire.
6 Ye flow'ry plains proclaim his skill;
Ye vallies sink before his eye;
And let his praise from ev'ry hill
Rise tuneful to the neighb'ring sky.
7 Ye stubborn oaks, and stately pines,
Bend your high branches and adore:
Praise him, ye beasts, in diff'rent strains;
The lamb must bleat, the lion roar.
8 Ye birds, his praise must be your theme,
Who from'd to song your tuneful voice;
While the dumb fish that cut the stream
In his protecting care rejoice.
Part II.
9 Ye kings and judges, fear
The Lord the sov'reign king;
And while you rule us here,
His heav’nly honours sing;
Nor let the dream
Of pow'r and state
Make you forget
His pow'r supreme.
10 Virgins and youths, engage
To sound his praise divine,
While infancy and age
Their feebler voices join:
Wide as He reigns
His name be sung
By ev'ry tongue
In endless strains.
11 Let all the nations fear
The God that rules above;
He brings his people near,
And makes them taste his love:
While earth and sky
Attempt his praise,
His saints shall raise
His honours high.