1 Forward, forward!
Forward go, for the Lord is with thee,
He is thy life, thy light, thy joy;
Forward, forward!
Forward go, for the Lord is with thee,
Mighty thy foes to destroy.
Heralds of the gospel,
Messengers of mercy,
Children of the kingdom,
High the colors of Zion show;
Followers of Jesus,
Armies of Jehovah,
Church of God triumphant,
Rise and forth to the vict’ry go.
Forward, forward!
Forward, , ye brave hearts,
Forward, ye true hearts, at his word;
Forward, ye heroes,
Forward, ye conq’rors of the Lord.
2 Forward, forward!
Forward, go, for the morn is breaking,
Swiftly the shadows fly away;
Forward, forward!
Forward go, for the King in splendor
Rises and conquers the day. [Refrain]