1 O wandering one, come to the fountain of cleansing,
And wash from thy soul all defilement and stain;
Repentant one, come, there is perfect atonement,
Salvation for thee through the Lamb that was slain.
Oh, come to the fountain, life's freeflowing fountain,
And, washed in its current, thou shalt be made whole,
Accept offered pardon, now Jesus is calling,
O weary one, come, and find rest for thy soul.
2 This fountain was opened by infinite mercy,
So perishing souls might be saved by its flow;
Then, erring one, come, though thy sins be as scarlet,
They shall in its tide become whiter than snow. [Refrain]
3 From paths that lead downward to death everlasting,
From wanderings lonely through sin's dreary night;
Oh, come to this fount and receive life eternal,
And journey with joy to the city of light. [Refrain]
4 Come, sorrowing one, at this peace-giving fountain
The broken in spirit find griefs sweetest balm;
O way-farer out in life's storm-beaten deserts,
Awaiting thee here there is refuge and calm. [Refrain]
Text Information | |
First Line: | O wand'ring one, come to the fountain of cleansing |
Author: | Jennie Wilson |
Refrain First Line: | Oh, come to the fountain |
Language: | English |
Publication Date: | 1893 |
Notes: | Now Public Domain. |