1 All mortal Vanities be gone,
Nor tempt my Eyes, nor tire my Ears;
Behold, amidst th' eternal Throne,
A Vision of the Lamb appears.
2 Glory his fleecy Robe adorns,
Mark'd with the bloody Death He bore;
Sev'n are his Eyes, and sev'n his Horns,
To speak his Wisdom and his Pow'r.
3 Lo, He receives a sealed Book
From Him that sits upon the Throne;
Jesus, my Lord, prevails to look
On dark Decrees and Things unknown.
4 All the assembling Saints around
Fall worshipping before the Lamb,
And in new Songs of Gospel-Sound
Address their Honours to his Name.
5 The Joy, the Shout, the Harmony
Flies o'er the everlasting Hills
"Worthy art Thou alone," (they cry)
To read the Book, to loose the Seals."
6 Our Voices join the heav'nly Strain,
And with transporting Pleasure sing,
Worthy the Lamb that once was slain,
To be our Teacher and our King.
7 His Words of Prophecy reveal
Eternal Counsels, deep Designs;
His Grace and Vengeance shall fulfil
The peaceful and the dreadful Lines.
8 Thou hast redeem'd our Souls from Hell
With thine invaluable Blood;
And Wretches that did once rebel
Are now made Fav'rites of their God.
9 Worthy for ever is the Lord,
That dy'd for Treasons not his own,
By ev'ry Tongue to be ador'd,
And dwell upon his Father's Throne.
Text Information | |
First Line: | All mortal Vanities be gone |
Language: | English |
Publication Date: | 1760 |
Scripture: | |
Notes: | Public Domain. |