1 Thou, God, all Glory, Honour, Pow'r,
art worthy to receive;
Since all Things by thy Pow'r were made,
and by thy Bounty live.
2 And worthy is the Lamb all Pow'r,
Honour and Wealth to gain,
Glory and Strength, who for our Sins
a Sacrifice was slain.
3 All worthy Thou, who hast redeem'd,
and ransom'd us to God,
From ev'ry Nation, ev'ry Coast
by thy most precious Blood.
4 Blessing and Honour, Glory, Pow'r,
by all in Earth and Heav'n,
To Him that sits upon the Throne,
and to the Lamb be giv'n.
Text Information | |
First Line: | Thou God, all Glory, Honour, Pow'r |
Language: | English |
Publication Date: | 1760 |
Scripture: | ; |
Notes: | Now Public Domain. |