HXVI. Daughters of Sion, come, behold

1 Daughters of Sion, come, behold
The Crown of Honor and of Gold
Which the glad Church with Joys unknown,
Plac'd on the Head of Solomon.
2 Jesus, thou everlasting King,
Accept the Tribute which we bring:
Accept the well-deserv'd Renown,
And wear our Praises as thy Crown.

3 Let every Act of Worship be
Like our Espousals, Lord, to Thee;
Like the dear Hour when from above
We first receiv'd thy Pledge of Love.
4 The Gladness of that happy Day,
Our Hearts would wish it long to stay;
Nor let our Faith forsake its Hold,
Nor Comfort sink, nor Love grow cold.

5 Still may each Minute as it flies,
Increase thy Praise improve our Joys,
Till we are rais'd to sing thy Name
At the great Supper of the Lamb.
6 O that the Months would roll away,
And bring that Coronation-Day!
The King of Grace shall fill the Throne,
With all his Father's Glories on.

Text Information
First Line: Daughters of Sion, come, behold
Language: English
Publication Date: 1760
Scripture: ;
Tune Information
(No tune information)

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