1 The spacious earth, and what the earth contains,
Are heav'n's high Lord's--o'er the wide world he reigns
O'er the wide world extends his boundless sway;
The wild, the wise, the wretched and the gay,
The poor, the rich, howe'er dispers'd they are,
Are his, and feel his providential care.
2 He on the seas this solid earth hath plac'd;
He on the raging floods has fix'd her fast;
In vain the waters rise, the billows roar,
He braves their fury, and defies their pow'r.
3 All then is God's--but one empyreal throne,
Sublime above all heights, has made his own.
Thither can man ascend? is man so blest,
As near his maker on his hill to rest?
4 Yes; he whose honest heart from guilt is clear,
Whose hands are spotless, and his tongue sincere;
Who shuns of vanity the baneful road,
Nor to deceitful oaths attests his God;
5 He with his gracious presence shall be blest;
He on his holy hill shall ever rest;
6 This, this is truth, the way to heav'n is this,-—
The certain road to everlasting bliss.
7 Ye doors, that on eternal hinges turn,
Ye shining gates, which sparkling gems adorn;
The king of glory comes, by all ador'd,
Ope wide your portals and receive your Lord.
8 This king of glory who? what royal guest
In these our sacred mansions deigns to rest?
E'en he, the mighty God, whole strong right-hand
Has o'er th' extended universe command;
Whose force in vain embattl'd ranks oppose,
Who comes triumphant o'er his vanqusih'd foes.
9 Ye doors that on eternal hinges turn,
Ye mining gates, which sparkling gems adorn;
The king of glory comes, by all ador'd;
Ope wide your portals, and receive your Lord.
10 This king of glory who?--enquire no more--
That sov'reign being of unbounded pow'r;
That God encircled round with majesty--
The Lord of hosts--the king of glory, he.