1 Sav'd by thy hand, triumphant in thy pow'r,
The king shall thee in gratitude adore.
By thee supported in the doubtful day,
To thee the tribute of his praise shall pay:
2 Ne'er, when with suppliant voice to thee he pray'd,
Didst thou deny in his distress thy aid;
Ne'er, when his lips pour'd forth his heart's desire,
Fruitless did he the humble boon require,
3 Of all the bounties of thy love possest,
Above the warmest of his wishes blest,
A golden diadem surrounds his head,
Whose glitt'ring gems their bright effulgence shed.
4 For life he ask'd--thou more than life hast giv'n,
A life of immortality in heav'n.
5 Eternal honours does thy hand bestow;
Eternal glories from thy goodness flow;
6 Eternal bliss thou giv'st without alloy,
Thy glad'ning presence ever to enjoy.
7 For thou the anchor of his hope shalt be;
His trust he'll place, all-pow'rful God, in thee.
8 Thy foes thy hand vindictive soon shall feel;
Vainly from thee wou'd they themselves conceal;
9 For, like the fire, which in the furnace roars,
And the dry fuel, greedily devours,
On their devoted heads thy judgments fall,
And thy tremendous wrath consumes them all;
10 Their names are lost among the sons of men,
And none will dare to say they've ever been.
11 'Gainst thee their fraudful villainies they schem'd;
And, boastful, of their high success they dream'd:
12 Therefore from thee shall they attempt to fly,
Yet by the arrows of thy vengeance die,
13 Yes, Lord; in all thy majesty arise,
Exert thy strength against thine enemies:
So shall the pious tribes thy name adore,
And in continued anthems hail thy pow'r