1 All-pow'rful Lord, thy suppliant servant hear;
Thou art my God; to thee I fly in pray'r;
Thou art my King; thou in my heart dost reign;
Ah! not thy Davids humble suit disdain.
3 At early dawn my faithful voice I'll raise;
At early dawn I'll supplicate thy grace.
4 No pleasure tak'st thou in impiety,
Nor wilt thou suffer sin to dwell with thee.
5 The fool, that hears not thy commands with awe;
The soul deprav'd, that deviates from thy law,
The impious tongue, that deals in fraudful lies;
The hand, it's maker's image that destroys,
Are hateful to thee all, and soon shall know
The direful pains thy vengeance dooms them to.
7 But on thy mercy shall my soul rely;
When I with rev'rence to thy temple fly,
When at thy altar I devoutly kneel,
Blest with thy light, what awful joy I feel?
8 Direct me, O my God, the snares t' evade,
Which my relentless enemies have laid,
9 Deceit and wrong their boast, fair truth their scorn,
Their villain-hearts with horrid mischiefs burn,
More black their throats than the remorseless grave,
And with their tongues they flatter, to deceive.
10 Do thou, O God, the impious race destroy;
Thro' their own wild devices let the die;
'Gainst thee they dare rebel;--assert thy pow'r.
And bear their vile atrocious crimes no more.
11 But let all they, that trust in thee, rejoice,
And tune in hymns of gratitude their voice;
In thee the greater! happiness they prove,
Thy will their law, thy glorious name their love.
12 For to thy will who bear a just regard,
Shall from thy bounty meet a full reward;
Them, who to thy commands due rev'rence have,
Thy gracious goodness, as a shield, shall save.
Text Information | |
First Line: | All-pow'rful Lord, thy suppliant servant hear |
Language: | English |
Publication Date: | 1756 |
Scripture: | |
Notes: | Now Public Domain. |