1 Ye scatter'd nations, sing in tuneful lays,
In loftiest strains, your great creator's praise;
2 Sing, sing the honours of his holy name,
Extol his glory, and his pow'r proclaim.
3 With reverence say, "Thou sov'reign Lord of all,
"Who mad'st yon heav'ns and this terrestrial ball,
"How dread thy pow'r! beneath thy conqu'ring feet
"Crouch thy proud foes, and to thy rule submit:
4 "To thee the earth shall pious homage pay,
"Sing to thy name, thy glorious name display."
5 Approach, and hear the wonders of our God;
With his stupendous works the world he aw'd;
6 He drove the waters from their oozy bed,
And on firm ground his favour'd people led;
With joy they view'd their God their feet sustain; \
With joy they walk'd as on a flow'ry plain.
7 O'er all, o'er all, he holds eternal sway,
His eyes the nations of the earth survey ;
Hear this, ye wicked, and rebel no more,
Lest you too late your wretched pride deplore.
8 Ye people, bless the great almighty Lord;
By ev'ry nation be his name ador'd;
9 Our souls does he support; in him we live,
From him protection in our paths receive.
10 For thou hast prov'd us, Lord; our hearts thou'st tried,
As by the flame the silver's purified;
Our feet hast hamper'd in th' insidious net,
Our way with sore distresses hast beset.
12 The threat'ning tyrants gall'd us in their wrath;
Thro' fires, thro' mad'ning floods, we' incounter'd death:
Yet still thy mercy bad our sorrows cease;
Again thou'st given us life, thou'st giv'n us peace.
13 Therefore I'll to thy temple suppliant go,
And pay with gratitude the prcmis'd vow;
15 The bounding bullock, and the horned ram,
16 Approach, attend, who your creator fear;
To me his wond'rous goodness I'll declare;
17 Gracious he heard, when prostrate I implor'd;
(And be the God that hears our pray'rs, ador'd):
18 The impious souls, that not his name revere,
Tho' loudly they invoke, he scorns to hear:
19 But me he heard, his mercy not denied,
And gave immediate solace, when I cried:
20 Therefore, since he my sinking soul hath rais'd,
His honour'd name eternally be prais'd.
Text Information | |
First Line: | Ye scatter'd nations, sing in tuneful lays |
Language: | English |
Publication Date: | 1756 |
Scripture: | |
Notes: | Public Domain. |