274. O 'twas a joyful Sound to hear

1 O 'twas a joyful Sound to hear
our Tribes devoutly say,
Up, Isr'el, to the Temple haste,
and keep your Festal Day.
2 At Salem's Courts we must appear,
with our assembled Pow'rs,
3 In strong and beauteous Order rang'd,
like her united Tow'rs.

4 'Tis thither by Divine command,
the Tribes of God repair,
Before his Ark to celebrate
his Name with Praise and Pray'r.
5 Tribunals stand erected there,
where Equity takes place;
There stand the Courts and Palaces
of Royal David's Race.

6 O, pray we then for Salem's Peace,
for they shall prosp'rous be,
(Thou holy City of our God!)
who bear true Love to thee.
7 May Peace within thy sacred Walls
a constant Guest be found;
With Plenty and Prosperity
thy Palaces be crown'd.

8 For my dear Brethren's Sake, and Friends
no less than Brethren dear,
I'll pray--May Peace in Salem's Tow'rs
a constant Guest appear.
9 But most of all I'll seek thy Good,
and ever wish thee well,
For Sion and the Temple's Sake,
where God vouchsafes to dwell.

Text Information
First Line: O 'twas a joyful Sound to hear
Language: English
Publication Date: 1754
Tune Information
(No tune information)

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