194. O come, loud Anthems let us sing

1 O come, loud Anthems let us sing,
Loud Thanks to our Almighty King;
For we our Voices high should raise,
When our Salvation's Rock we praise.
2 Into his Presence let us haste
To thank him for his Favours past;
To him address in joyful Songs,
The Praise that to his Name belongs.

3 For God the Lord, enthron'd in State,
Is, with unrivaled Glory, great;
A King superior far to all,
Whom by his Title God we call,
4 The Depths of Earth are in his Hand,
Her secret Wealth at his Command;
The Strength of Hills that threat the Skies,
Subjected to his Empire lies.

5 The rolling Ocean's vast Abyss
By the same sov'reign Right is his:
'Tis mov'd by his Almighty Hand,
That form'd and fix'd the solid Land,
6 O let us to his Courts repair,
And bow with Adoration there:
Down on our Knees devoutly all
Before the Lord our Maker fall.

7 For he's our God, our Shepherd he,
His Flock and Pasture Sheep are we.
If then you'll (like his Flock) draw near,
to-day if you his Voice will hear.
8 Let not your harden'd Hearts renew
Your Fathers' Crimes and Judgments too;
Nor here provoke my Wrath, as they
In desart Plains of Meribah!

9 When thro' the Wilderness they mov'd,
And me with fresh Temptations prov'd:
They still, through Unbelief, rebell'd,
While they my wond'rous Works beheld.
10,11 They forty Years my Patience griev'd,
Tho' daily I their Wants reliev'd.
Then--'Tis a faithless Race, I said,
Whose Heart from me has always stray'd;

They ne'er will tread my righteous path:
Therefore to them, in settled Wrath,
Since they despis'd my Rest, I sware,
That they should never enter there.

Text Information
First Line: O come, loud Anthems let us sing
Language: English
Publication Date: 1754
Tune Information
(No tune information)

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