1 Thy Mercy, Lord, to me extend;
On thy Protection I depend;
And to thy wing for Shelter haste,
Till this outrageous Storm is past.
2 To thy Tribunal, Lord, I fly,
Thou Sov'reign Judge, and God most High,
Who Wonders hast for me begun,
And wilt not leave thy Work undone.
3 From Heav'n protect me by thy Arm,
And shame all those who seek my Harm:
To my Relief thy Mercy send,
And Truth, on which my Hopes depend.
4 For I with savage Men converse,
Like hungry Lions wild and fierce,
With Man whose Teeth are Spears, their Words
Invenom'd Darts, and two-edg'd Swords.
5 Be Thou, O God, exalted high;
And, as thy Glory fills the Sky,
So let it be on Earth display'd;
Till Thou art here, as there, obey'd.
6 To take me, they their Net prepar'd,
And had almost my Soul ensnar'd;
But fell themselves, by just Decree,
Into the Pit they made for me.
7 O God, my Heart is fix'd, 'tis bent,
Its thankful Tribute to present;
And, with my Heart, my Voice I'll raise
To Thee, my God, in Songs of Praise.
8 Awake, my Glory; Harp and Lute,
No longer let your Strings be mute:
And I, my tuneful Part to take,
Will with the early Dawn awake.
9 Thy Praises, Lord, I will resound
To all the list'ning Nations round:
10 Thy Mercy's highest Heav'n transcends;
Thy Truth beyond the Clouds extends.
11 Be Thou, O God, exalted high;
And, as thy Glory fills the Sky,
So let it be on Earth display'd;
Till Thou art here, as there obey'd.