1 Have Mercy, Lord, on me,
as Thou wert ever kind;
Let me, oppress'd with Loads of guilt,
thy wonted Mercy find.
2,3 Wash off my foul Offence,
and cleanse me from my Sin;
For I confess my Crime, and see
how great my Guilt has been.
4 Against Thee, Lord, alone,
and only in thy Sight,
Have I transgress'd; and tho' condemn'd
must own thy Judgment right.
5 In Guilt each Part was form'd
of all this sinful Frame;
In Guilt I was conceiv'd, and born
the Heir of Sin and Shame.
6 Yet Thou, whose searching Eye
does inward Truth require,
In secret didst with Wisdom's Laws
my tender Soul inspire.
7 With Hyssop purge me, Lord;
and so I clean shall be:
I shall with Snow in whiteness vie,
when purify'd by Thee.
8 Make me to hear with Joy
thy kind forgiving Voice;
That so the Bones which Thou hast broke,
may with fresh Strength rejoice.
9,10 Blot out my crying Sins,
nor me in Anger view;
Create in me a Heart that's clean,
an upright Mind renew.
Part II
11 Withdraw not Thou thy Help,
nor cast me from thy Sight;
Nor let thy Holy Spirit take
its everlasting flight.
12 The Joy thy Favour gives,
let me again obtain
And thy free Spirit's firm Support
My fainting Soul sustain.
13 So I thy righteous Ways
to Sinners will impart;
Whilst my Advice shall wicked Men
to thy just Laws convert.
14 My Guilt of Blood remove,
my Saviour, and my God;
And my glad Tongue shall loudly tell
thy righteous Acts abroad.
15 Do Thou unlock my Lips,
with Sorrow clos'd, and Shame;
So shall my Mouth thy wond'rous Praise
to all the World proclaim.
16 Could Sacrifice atone,
whole Flocks and Herds should die;
But on such Off'rings Thou disdain'st
to cast a gracious eye.
17 A broken Spirit is
by God most highly priz'd;
By Him a broken contrite Heart
shall never be despis'd.
18 Let Sion, Favour find,
of thy Good-will assur'd;
And thy own city flourish long,
by lofty Walls secur'd.
19 The Just shall then attend,
and pleasing Tribute pay;
And Sacrifice of choicest Kind
upon thy Altar lay.
Text Information | |
First Line: | Have Mercy, Lord, on me |
Language: | English |
Publication Date: | 1754 |
Scripture: | |
Notes: | Public Domain. |