1. Thy Promise, Lord to David, mind.
And all the Chast'ning of thy Rod.
2. How to Jehovah he hath sworn,
And vow'd to Jacob's mighty God.
3. I will not go into my House,
Nor on my Bed my Limbs, repose;
4. No Sleep I'll to mine Eyes afford,
Nor Slumber shall mine Eye-lids close;
5. 'Till, for the Lord, I have found out,
And for his Ark, a resting Place;
Which shall the future Dwelling be,
Of the great God of Jacob's Race.
6. Behold, we heard it's spreading Fame,
At Ephrata; but now have found
The chosen Spot, for it's Abode,
Where Hills of mighty Woods surround.
7. We'll go into his sacred Tents,
Our Worship, at his Foot-stool, pay.
8. Arise, O Lord, into thy Rest;
And with thine Ark of Strength there stay.
9. Array thy Priests with Righteousness;
Let all thy Saints aloud rejoice.
10. And for thy Servant David's Sake,
Despise not thine Anointed's Voice.
Second Part
11. The Lord, to David, sware in Truth,
The Oath he never will disown;
"That, one, descended from thy Loins,
"Shall surely sit upon thy Throne.
12. "And if thy Sons my Cov'nant keep,
"And to my sacred Laws submit;
"Their Children also, evermore,
"Upon thy royal Throne shall sit.
13. Because the Lord hath Sion chose;
And there desir'd to have his Seat.
14. This is my Rest forever; here
I'll dwell; for I've desired it.
15. I'll surely bless her growing Stores;
And satisfy her Poor with Food.
16. Her Priests, with my Salvation, cloath;
Her Saints, with Joy, shall shout aloud.
17. There David's Horn I'll make to bud;
There mine Anointed's Lamp ordain.
18. With Shame I'll cloath his Foes; on him
His Crown shall flourishing remain.
Text Information | |
First Line: | Thy promise, Lord, to David, mind |
Language: | English |
Publication Date: | 1752 |
Scripture: | |
Notes: | Now Public Domain. |