1. Jehovah to my Pray'r attend;
Before Thee let my Cry ascend.
2. Hide not thy Face from me, while I,
Daily oppress'd, in Trouble ly:
Encline thine Ear to me, with Speed,
And Answer give, in Time of Need.
3. My Days, like Smoke, consume away;
Like the burnt Hearth my Bones decay.
4 My Heart, like Grass, that's smit with Heat,
Withers; that I forget to eat.
5. By Reason of my constant Groans,
I am reduc'd to Skin, and Bones.
6. I'm like the Pelican, and Owl,
That lonely, in the Deserts, strole.
7. As mournful Sparrow, percht alone
On the House Top, I watch, and moan.
8 My Foes, me daily, treat with Scorn;
Against me madly they have sworn.
9. I've eaten Ashes with my Bread;
And mix'd my Drink with Tears I shed,
10. For thou hast thy hot Anger shown,
In Wrath thou do'st upon me frown;
Thou first did'st lift me up on high,
Then down most low hast made me ly.
Second Part
11. My Days decline, like th'Ev'ning Shade;
Like wither'd Grass, my Strength's decay'd.
12. But thou, Lord, ever shalt endure;
Thy Mem'ry thro' all Ages sure.
13. Rise, Lord, for Sion's Help appear;
Th' appointed time of Favour's near.
14. Thy Servants in her Stones delight;
Her Dust is precious in their Sight.
15. The Gentiles, Lord, thy Name shall fear;
Earth's Kings thy Glory shall revere.
16. When God shall Sion's State repair,
He'll shine most bright in Glory there.
17. The Poor's Request he'll then regard,
And their Petition shall be heard.
18. To future Ages this record;
That th' unborn Race may praise the Lord.
19. For he look'd down, from's Thone on high;
The Lord from Heav'n and Earth did spy;
20. To hear the Pris'ners Groans; and give
Leave to the poor condemn'd to live:
21. In Sion, to declare his Name,
His Praise thro' Salem to proclaim;
22. When Isr'el there, with one Accord,
And Kingdoms meet, to serve the Lord.
Third Part
23. My Strength he weaken'd in the Way;
And of my Life cut short the Day.
24. I said, my God, let not my Sun
In Darkness, set, while yet 'tis Noon;
Thy Years, no run of time can waste,
Which thro' all endless Ages last.
25. Thou first the Earth's Foundations laid;
The Heav'n are Works thine Hands have made.
26. They perish shall, but thou shalt last;
They all, like Robes, decay, and waste;
Thou as a Vest shalt change them all;
And, at thy Word, be chang'd they shall.
27. But thou the same do'st still remain;
No Bounds thy endless Years restrain.
28. Thy Servants Race shall yet reside;
Their Seed, before Thee, fix'd abide.