1. Jehovah reigns, let all the Earth,
Triumphantly rejoice;
And let the Multitude of Isles
Unite their chearful Voice.
2. Thick Clouds and Darkness him surround,
His counsels are unknown;
But Righteousness, and Judgment, are
The Basis of his Throne.
3. Fire march'd before; his foes around
Sink in the burning Flood.
4. His Light'nings blaz'd thro'out the World;
Earth saw, and trembling stood.
5. The solid Mountains melt, like Wax,
Before Jehovah's Face;
Before that Lord, whose sov'reign Rule,
O'er all the Earth, takes Place.
6. Th' extended heav'ns, his Righteousenss,
Have punish'd all abroad;
And all the World have clearly seen,
The Glories of our God.
7. May all that graven Idols serve,
And boast in earthly Clods,
Of all their Folly be asham'd;
Him worship all ye Gods.
8. Sion, and Judaah's Daughters, heard,
With Joy, thy Judgments, own'd.
9. For o'er the Earth, thou, Lord, art high,
Above all Gods enthron'd.
10. O ye that love, and fear, the Lord,
All evil disesteem;
The holy souls he'll guard, and them
From wicked Hands redeem.
11. For just, and upright Men, are sown,
Immortal Light, and Bliss.
12. Rejoice, ye Just, in god; with Thanks,
Record, his Holiness.
Text Information | |
First Line: | Jehovah reigns, let all the Earth |
Language: | English |
Publication Date: | 1752 |
Scripture: | |
Notes: | Now Public Domain. |