1. The Heathen, Lord, thy Heritage,
Did furiously invade;
Defii'd thy Temple, and in Heaps,
Jerusalem have laid.
2. The Bodies of thy Servants slain,
For Meat to Fowls of Heav'n;
And thy Saints Flesh, to savage Beasts,
They cruelly have giv'n.
3. They round about Jerusalem,
Their Blood, like Water, shed;
And none was found to pay the last
Kind Office to the Dead.
4. Our Neighbours load us with Reproach,
Our Fame they deeply wound;
We're made the very Scorn, and Mock
Of all the Nations round.
5. How long, Jehovah! Shall thy Wrath
Against us ne'er expire?
Shall thy inflamed Jealousy,
Burn like devouring Fire?
6. On heathen Tribes, who know not Thee,
Thy wrathful Vengeance pour;
On impious Kingdoms, which thy Name
Ne'er rev'rence, and adore.
7. For they have greedily devour'd
Thy Fav'rite Jacob's Race;
Their Rage has utterly laid waste
His ancient dwelling Place.
Second Part
8. Mind not against us former Sins,
Let tender Mercy flow;
Our Ruin speedily prevent,
We're brought exceeding low.
9. Help us, O our Salvation's God,
For th' Honour of thy Name;
For thy Name's Sake, deliver us,
And purge our Souls from Blame.
l0. Why say the Heathen, "Where's their God?
Among the Nations spread
Thy Fame, in Vengeance, in our Sight,
For Blood of Saints they've shed.
11. O let, before thy Face, ascend
The sighing Pris'ner's Cry;
By thy great Pow'r, preserve the Sons
Of Death, condemn'd to die.
12. Into their Bosom seven-fold,
Our Neighbour's Spite reward,
And the Reproach, wherewith they have
Reproached Thee, O Lord.
13. Then we thy Flock, thy Pasture's Sheep,,
Will give thee Thanks always;
From Age to Age, we will shew forth
Our great Redeemer's Praise.
Text Information | |
First Line: | The Heathen, Lord, thy Heritage |
Language: | English |
Publication Date: | 1752 |
Scripture: | |
Notes: | Now Public Domain. |