1. Save me, my God, from all my Foes;
Thy high Defence I crave,
2. From evil Workers set me free;
From bloody Men me save.
3. Lo! for my Soul they lye in wait,
And mighty Men combine
Against my Life; not for my Fault,
Lord, nor Offence of mine.
4. They run upon me unprovok'd,
And all their Force prepare;
See, Lord, my Danger, stir thyself,
And for mine Aid appear.
5. Wake, Lord of Hosts, thou Isr'el's God,
None of the Heathen spare;
No longer let thy Patience, with
Such bold Traasgressors, bear.
6. When Ev'ning comes, they fresh return,
Their Rage admits no Change;
They bark, and snarle, and growl, like Dogs,
And round the City range.
7. Their Mouth impetously pours out
Words bitter, hard to bear;
Between their Lips are pointed Swords;
"For who (say they,) doth hear?
8. But thou, O Lord, shall laugh at them;
And all the Heathen scorn.
9. O thou my Strength, I'll on Thee wait;
For God's my Safety's Horn.
Second Part
10. The God of all my Mercy will,
To help me, interpose;
He shall, with Pleasure, let me see
His Justice on my Foes.
11. Lest we too soon forget thy Works,
Them slay not with one Blow;
But; Lord, our Shield, by thy great Pow'r,
Disperse, and bring them low.
12. Because their Mouth, and Lips, abound
With grievous Sin; surprise,
And take them in their Pride, who speak
Such hideous Oaths, and Lies.
13. Consume, and waste them, in thy Wrath
And all their Pow'r restrain;
That thy may know, in Jacob, God,
And thro' the Earth doth reign.
14. At Ev'ning, then, let them, like Dogs,
Return, and meet, and howl;
And, tir'd with Ramblings, may they still
Around the City growl.
15. With Hunger, let them strole about,
To get their Wants supply'd;
And spend whole Nights in fruitlefs Search,
And not be satisfy'd.
16. But I, each Morn, will sing thy Pow'r,
And loud thy Grace confess;
Thou hast my Tow'r, and Refuge, been,
In Day of my Distress.
17. Therefore to Thee, O thou my Strength,
I'll never cease to sing;
For God is my Defence, the God
Whence all my Mercies spring.
Text Information | |
First Line: | Save me, My God, from all my Foes |
Language: | English |
Publication Date: | 1752 |
Scripture: | |
Notes: | Now Public Domain. |