1 Farewel, my brethren in the Lord,
The gospel sounds the jubilee;
My stam'ring tongue shall sound aloud,
From land to land, from sea to sea;
And as I preach from place to place,
I'll trust alone in God's free grace.
2 Farewel, in bonds and union dear,
Like strings you twine about my heart,
I humbly beg your earnest pray'r
'Till we shall meet no more to part;
'Till we shall meat in worlds above,
Encircled by eternal love.
3 Farewel, my earthly friends below,
Though all so kind and dear to me;
My Jesus calls and I must go
To sound the gospel jubilee:
To sound the joys and bear the news
To Gentile worlds, and royal Jews.
4 Farewel, young people one and all,
While God shall grant me breath to breathe,
I'll pray to the Eternal All,
That your dear souls prepar'd might be;
That your dear souls prepar'd might be
To reign in bliss eternally.
5 Farewel to all below the sun;
And as I pass in tears below,
The path is strait, my feet shall run,
And God shall keep me as I go.
And God shall keep me in his hand,
And bring me to the promis'd land.
6 Farewel, farewel, I look above;
Jesus, my friend, to thee I call;
My joy, my crown, my only love,
My safeguard here, my heavenly all;
My theme to preach, my song to sing,
My only joy till death. Amen.