414. Lord, while for all mankind we pray

1 Lord, while for all mankind we pray,
Of every clime and coast,
O hear us for our native land,
The land we love the most!

2 O guard our shores from every foe!
With peace our borders bless,
Our cities with prosperity,
Our fields with plenteousness.

3 Unite us in the sacred love
Of knowledge, truth, and Thee;
And let our hills and valleys shout
The songs of liberty.

4 Lord of the nations, thus to Thee
Our country we commend;
Be Thou her refuge and her trust,
Her everlasting friend.

Text Information
First Line: Lord, while for all mankind we pray
Author: Dr. J. R. Wreford, 1800-1881
Language: English
Publication Date: 1917
Topic: Country, our; The Church and the Kingdom of God: National Life; Native Land: Prayer for (7 more...)
Tune Information
Composer: Isaac Smith, 1735 (?)-1800
Meter: C.M.
Key: E♭ Major

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